Tuesday 7 September 2010

I should of never purchased

I had recently purchased a new Dell laptop as my earlier laptop had broke. I bought this laptop just because it looked good, its only after a few days I began to notice the poor performance of the laptop. The aesthetics of the laptop were exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to buy a laptop which would fit well with the modern feel of my room; because it was perfect I paid no attention to the specification of the laptop. I just instantly assumed because it was Dell, it had to be good. Generally Dells performance is great, but in this case it really wasn't.

Because the laptop's aesthetics were good, it often means most of the cost went into the looks and very little in the laptops hardware, this was 100% true with my laptop. The performance was so bad I decided to purchase a new laptop after a few months; I made sure I chose performance over Aesthetics this time. Another reason I chose this laptop over the rest was the large backlit screen, I wanted to have a large resoulition for better quailty, again the screen was perfect, it looked great, this strengthened my point that most of the money was spent in the looks.

It would take at least 5 minutes for a program to load fully, which really surprised me as the laptop was only a few weeks old. Even the battery was bad, brand new the battery would last a good 6 hours, after 2 months the average battery life was closer to 1 or 2 hours.

The touchpad control was very poor, the right and left click was almost impossible to use I had to go and buy a laptop mouse just to make it easier to use. I did not expect to have to pay out more money on top of the laptop price just to be able to use the laptop hassle free.
I think these problems have accured due to the bad way in which the money was spent. I think they should of spread the money evenly between performance and aesthetics instead of concentrating solely on one.

I really do wish I had never bought this laptop, even though I suppose it was my fault.

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